How I built this static website
One mission before the release of the new Simply Static Pro was to make my own website entirely static. This helps a lot checking everything is working fine and to further improve the process. Initial planning Starting with Why Besides the fact that I believe in Simply Static and the future of static hosting, I…
6 Static Site Generator Tools for WordPress
Find out why you need a static site generator and the best static site generator tools for WordPress.
What Are Static Site Generators and Who Needs Them
Find out what static site generators are, why you should consider using them, and how Simply Static helps you create a static site from the WordPress admin.
The future of Simply Static
As some of you may have noticed, in December 2020, I adopted Simply Static from Scott Blaine. I used the plugin myself several times in the context of some enterprise projects. After fixing it for my own purposes (updating dependencies and making smaller modifications), I thought about contacting Scott to take over the development. Short about myself I’m…