
Get an overview of the current development status of Simply Static Pro. Here you find all the latest releases in chronological order. If you are looking for the changelogs of the free Simply Static plugin instead, take a look here.

  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • improved file/directory detection on the WPML task
    • fix for Elementor Forms redirect after webhook
    • Freemius SDK upgrade


    • added support for Bricks forms and Bricksforge forms
  • Version:

    1.6.0 + 1.6.1

    Release Date:


    • fixed missing directory for ShortPixel integration
    • fixed single exports loop when using AWS S3 exports
    • fixed FluentForms integration by removing inline tag on static export
    • fixed wrong embed URL when using embedded forms
    • fixed aws_empty task execution (typo)


    • refactored Fuse.js integration to move away from XMLHTTPRequests
    • improved Basic Auth handling
    • improved parameters for GitHub integration (decreased tree size, increased blob batch size)
    • custom CSS for embedded content + improved admin UI for selecting redirect pages
    • improved minification integration with a fix for CSS calc and an option to disable stripping quotes
    • Added option to exclude CSS and JS files from minification
    • improved AWS S3 task: single request for CloudFront invalidation + better method usage
    • auto-exclude embedded forms, Rest API and GraphQL endpoints from basic authentication
    • improved WPML file handling + introduced task for it


    • Redirection integration for automated redirects
    • Complianz integration for cookie consents
    • Forms integration (v2) with support WP Forms, Fluent Forms, and WS Form
    • added test deployment for quicker tests when setting up the options
    • Added support for custom headers when using webhooks in form integration
    • added private key support for SFTP transfers
  • Version:

    1.5.1 + 1.5.2

    Release Date:


    • prevent empty branches in GitHub deployment
    • cast seconds as int for sleep() (GitHub)
    • fixed variable naming for is_running indicator on single export meta boxes
    • updated composer dependencies
    • PHP notices fixed for PHP 8.3 support
    • removed DO integration (deprecated)
    • better file check for search integration
    • fixed PHP notice for throttling requests option (GitHub)


    • improved excluded filter for search integration
    • WPML Avada language switcher compatibility
    • improved SFTP integration to dynamically create directories based on permissions
    • auto export defaults to false again (excluded scheduled posts)
    • added compatibility for new integration settings page


    • One-Click Basic Auth integration
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • improved and added improved logging for SFTP exports
    • minor fixes for GitHub deployments as organization


    • Support for scheduled exports
    • Export XML Sitemap on Single Exports
    • Stacking Single Exports
    • Auto-Single-Exports are now activated by default
    • Add robots.txt to static site exports


    • Incremental Exports
    • Image Optimization (via ShortPixel API)
  • Version:

    Release Date:


    • optimization settings now also change config dir URL
    • auto-remove host for SFTP deployments
    • fix PHP notice for static_url check in webhook


    • auto-export after comment submission
    • BunnyCDN uses the default 404 page
    • WPML config updated + removed nested fields to support Polylang
    • improved disable emoji feature


    • iframe integration for forms
  • Version: +

    Release Date:


    • avoid excludes if the search exclude options is empty
    • check for search enabled before firing hooks for Fuse.js integration
    • fixed optimization settings not running in local directory exports
    • fixed replace plugins feature (optimizations)
    • fixed missing namespace in the WP-CLI command
    • remove traits from tasks to avoid conflicts with PHP <8.1


    • improved config path handling with subdirectories
    • improved config path handling for Windows environments
    • optimized default styles for Algolia search
    • improved disable emoji feature


    • SFTP exports are now available
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • cleaned up debug log for GitHub integration
    • improved GitHub rate limit handling


    • improved task handling filter mechanism
    • improved 404 page handling for GitHub
    • added filter to modify commit data (GitHub)
    • auto-install and activate the free plugin if necessary
    • removed old multisite integration (now in free version)


    • new optimization integration
  • Version:

    1.4.6 –

    Release Date:


    • fixed GitHub branch setting
    • fixed typo in helper function
    • cleaned up vendor directory


    • improved task handling filter mechanism
    • composer dependency update
    • changed ssp_search_index_item filter to be executed after language tag checked
    • added support for new forms ID in Elementor Forms + checkbox support
    • refactored WP_Filesystem to automatically check for transfer method with dedicated helper function
    • AWS credentials optional check
    • allow multiple search instances with Fuse and Algolia on the same page
    • latest Freemius SDK + updated icon for consent
  • Version: –

    Release Date:


    • dependency lock for PHP 7.4 support
    • reduced version number for Guzzle to keep 7.4 support
    • fixed PHP notice for search integration
    • skip blob creation for faster GitHub exports
    • AWS SDK Cloudfront invalidation optional
    • fixed PHP notice for cdn_404 setting
    • fixed PHP notice for search_excludes
    • fix for wp-cli generate for builds
    • fixed warning if no search selector is set on WP-CLI exports
    • fixed constants for BunnyCDN usage
    • fixed upload_file method in BunnyCDN using storage_zone instead of pull_zone
    • Classic Editor support for Single Export button
    • removed top bar integration for Single Export button in Block Editor
    • fixed conditional for search (Fuse) and comments endpoint
    • added filter for CF7 to disable Rest API request
    • set default branch in GitHub integration of setting empty
    • avoid error in JS if sspt object not available
    • WordPress 6.4 compatibility


    • support for characters in forms integration
    • added a filter to modify AWS Cloudfront invalidation path
    • removed unused S3 transfer method (deprecated)
    • removed Guzzle as a dependency + composer upgrade
    • removed knplabs GitHub SDK package and replaced with HTTP API of WP
    • improvements for AWS S3 transfer
    • prevent issues with empty paths in GitHub integration
    • adapt to new CF7 ID for forms integration
    • support for meta tags in search integration
    • support for subdirectories in GitHub integration


    • support for subdirectories in GitHub integration
    • refactored GitHub integration
    • support for meta tags in search integration
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • delete_single also works with AWS now
    • removed filter for WPML to stop polluting exports by settings per language
    • Fallback for JS Minifier (file and inline)
    • dependency lock for PHP 7.4 support
    • fixed PHP notice for search integration
    • skip blob creation for faster GitHub exports as default


    • improved AWS S3 integration (dir transfer instead of files)
    • clear_repository only on full exports (GitHub integration)
    • improved activity log performance + wording
    • Cloudfront cache invalidation
    • subdirectory support for AWS S3 exports
    • is_running state check for Single and Build exports
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • fixed comments endpoint handling


    • matching the new UI admin design of Simply Static (3.0)
    • Simplified forms integration (removed manual form config generation)
    • Simplified GitHub integration (automatic repository handling)
    • Simplified search integration (Fuse.js now has a selector and doesn’t require the shortcode anymore)
    • Automatically add basic auth credentials to forms webhooks
    • Multiple selectors for search integration
    • Improved Single Exports with assets and better image extraction
    • Improved Build Exports and added a wildcard option


    • Export to Amazon AWS S3
    • Export to Digital Ocean Spaces
    • Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (inline & external files)
    • Single Exports can now include assets
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • fixed filter for auto export on single exports
    • introduced batch processing for tree generation (GitHub API)


    • improved logging + task handling for GitHub transfer task
  • Version:


    Release Date:


    • improved WPML auto-redirect with browser-based language settings redirect
    • automated rate limiting handling for GitHub API integration


    • improved logging for GitHub Database API interactions
    • refactored BunnyCDN handler to use API instead of FTP
    • new task structure for BunnyCDN task for better batch handling
    • new task structure for GitHub task for better batch handling
    • removed HTTPful as a dependency for Single exports, Multilingual, and search integration
    • improved config directory handling and simplified file names for configs
    • simplified search and forms integration – also works in WP now for easier testing
    • reworked search integration with its own task
    • simplified forms integration with auto-handling for CORS to test on the WP site as well
    • removed checkups for the current URL for simplified testing
    • updated Freemius SDK
    • UI improvements for Deployment settings (especially GitHub)


    • implemented constants definitions as an alternative to options
    • WP-CLI integration for running exports (full/single/build)
    • WordPress Multisite integration (network settings) – beta
    • enhanced form integration for Elementor Forms
  • Version: +

    Release Date:


    • removed submit button from the search form shortcode
    • fixed UI bug when creating form configs
    • fixed object reference for add_file method


    • added filter to show settings/metaboxes based on capability
    • added checkups for PAT and modified the change visibility method in the GitHub integration
    • improved logging for GitHub Database API
    • improved geo redirect for WPML and added a filter to activate it
    • replaced file_get_contents() with WP_Filesystem
    • disabled single/build exports while static export is already running


    • added option to connect existing repositories
  • Version:

    1.2.4 –

    Release Date:


    • base64 encoding for images to blob conversion in trees (GitHub API)
    • Windows support for blobs (GitHub API)


    • updated Freemius SDK
    • better namespacing for Algolia Integration
    • refactored add_file method for contents() endpoint (GitHub API)
    • improved mime type detection for blob conversion (fonts, PDFs..)
    • added filter to enable WPML Geo direct


      • new GitHub Database API integration
    • Version:


      Release Date:


      • fix for PHP notice within GitHub integration


      • UI improvements within the settings page
      • introduced more save buttons to make configuration easier


      • new integration
    • Version: –

      Release Date:


      • fixed PHP notice for use-forms if the key isn’t set
      • fixed conditional for search type
      • fixed excludable logic for search integration
      • naming improvements for builds
      • prevent redirect loop with certain WPML options


      • composer updates
      • improved file truncation for Fuse.js implementation
      • updated Freemius SDK
      • translation improvements
      • improved config directory checkups
      • organization handling with a new setting
      • improved update_file() solution
      • improved logging for Fuse.js file permissions
      • conditional load for WPML


      • trigger repository_dispatch GitHub actions by default after all files committed
      • option to clear the repository before committing
      • WPML compatibility for geo-based redirects
    • Version:


      Release Date:


      • better and more safe check for excludable files in search integration
      • fix form warning if use-forms option is not set
      • strict mode for Algolia LiveSearch implementation


      • prevent Fuse.js updates on Single/Build exports
      • better filter for search results (separate file filter)
      • better URL decoding for search
      • dynamic version number
      • UI fixes (reload for deployment settings)
      • debug log for config URL


      • reset repository feature for GitHub integration
      • delete function for builds
    • Version:

      1.2 + 1.2.1

      Release Date:


      • bugfixes for search crawler (Algolia)
      • menu fix for builds and forms
      • brought back assignable builds


      • dependencies updated
      • improved Windows support
      • no result feedback for Fuse.js
      • filter to load fuse.js from the local environment
      • “use strict” for JS files
      • save config files in uploads instead of the plugins directory
      • combined menus for Forms, Comments, and CORS
      • only show CPT if forms are activated in the settings
      • filter to disable e-mail form webhook


      • new BunnyCDN integration with WP HTTP API
      • new settings for BunnyCDN to set storage URL and access key
      • automatically update forms config on save ssp-form
      • improved builds to include additional files
      • delete posts/pages from the static website
      • WPML, Polylang, and Translatepress support