Simply Static

The community edition of Simply Static solves all your basic needs
using WordPress as a static site generator.

Generate a Static WordPress Website

Convert your dynamic WordPress site (including WordPress theme, pages, posts, dynamic content, and more) into a static version using Simply Static.

  • Boost speed: Eliminate database calls, resulting in quicker page loads.
  • Enhance security: Without a database, there’s a reduced risk of site hacks.
  • Cut down costs: Static sites require less server resources, potentially lowering hosting costs.
  • Reduce maintenance: No more need for caching plugins or constant updates, reducing potential vulnerabilities.

Works with SEO tools and page builders

Simply Static ensures your static site remains functional with essential tools:

  • SEO plugins: It supports popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, RankMath, AllInOneSEO, and SEOPress, ensuring your static site remains SEO-friendly.
  • Page builders: Whether you’re using Elementor, Brizy Builder, Divi, WP Bakery, Beaver Builder, or Gutenberg, Simply Static is compatible.

Deploy to your own server

Simply Static offers the ability to deploy your static website to a local directory on the same server or as a ZIP file for manual deployment.

Need more?

We offer a variety of additional deployment options in Simply Static Pro including AWS S3, GitHub, Netlify, BunnyCDN and many more.

Detailed Diagnostics

Simply Static includes a fully-functional diagnostics tools that will let you know exactly if you meet the requirements and if not, what you can do to make it work for you.

Everything marked as fixed? Congratulations! You can now run your static export, knowing everything works smoothly.

Free vs. Pro πŸŽ›οΈ

Simply Static is a free plugin, Simply Static Pro is a paid add-on that enhances the product’s feature set and Simply Static.

FeaturesSimply StaticSimply Static Pro
Full static exportβœ…βœ…
Deployment methodsZIP and local directoryZIP, local directory, GitHub (GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, Netlify..), Amazon AWS S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, BunnyCDN or via SFTP
Multisite supportβœ…βœ…
Single ExportsβŒβœ…
Build ExportsβŒβœ…
Incremental ExportsβŒβœ…
Forms integrationβŒβœ…
Search integrationβŒβœ…
Comments integrationβŒβœ…
Multilingual supportβŒβœ…
WP-CLI supportβŒβœ…
One-Click Basic AuthβŒβœ…
Hide WordPressβŒβœ…
Image OptimizationβŒβœ…

Don’t just take our word for it πŸ₯³

These are reviews from the official WordPress directory164 reviews in total, with a score of 4.5/5.


Tested both offline usage and dump for online usage and also both a site in a mulitisite and a standalone site. Works great. Thank you!



It even replaces your domain with a forward slash on all generated pages for simple relative URLs. Thanks a lot.



Kind of bummed, that I’m only now finding about this plugin. It’s pretty great.



Thanks so much for an exceptional static website plugin for WordPress. We’ve tried a number of them over the years and Simply Static (and Simply Static Pro) is the only one that could handle all of the complexities of our websites.



This plugin is supreme. As an experiment, I achieved a 100% free personal site with custom domain and SSL thanks to Simply Static and GitHub. I run WordPress locally with MAMP, generate static site files in a local repo then push to remote for GitHub Pages to serve. Bob’s my uncle! […]



Great plugin, great support.

I don’t have time to fuss with constant WP/plugin updates. Static makes my website fast, secure, and looking great. Now, updating my website is on my terms and my schedule.

This is a must plugin for a 1 person business!



As someone who has been navigating the world of WordPress for quite some time, I’ve come across numerous plugins, but Simply Static stands out as a true game-changer. […]



Using Simply Static has allowed me to move largish content sites that needed good servers into a very cost-efficient hosting arrangement (with their own SimplyCDN service). Generally just works; and support is fast and efficient when it doesn’t […]



I had to archive some old wp websites to static and had no problem doing so thanks to this incredible plugin.


Want to get involved?

The development of our community edition is happening publicly on GitHub.

  • Want to create a fix?
  • Or report an issue?
  • Or just feeling the vibe of development?