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Get started and supercharge your static site.



totally free!

The base plugin for generating a static website from WordPress.

Need priority support?

Generate a static site

Export as ZIP or to a local directory

Support via the forum

Maintained on GitHub

With over 40,000 active users and over 900,000 downloads, Simply Static is the most popular static site generator for WordPress. Itโ€™s also trusted by industry-leading businesses.

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Free vs. Pro vs. Studio

Deployment methods

ZIP and local directory

GitHub (Cloudflare Pages, Netlify..), AWS S3, BunnyCDN, or via SFTP

Everything from Pro + our own Static Studio hosting.

Single exports

Build exports

Incremental Exports

Forms integration

Search integration

Comments integration

Multilingual support

WP-CLI support

One-Click Basic Auth


Hide WordPress

Image Optimization

Hosting included (WP + Static)

Easy Migration

Automated Backups

Automated SSL

Magic Link Login

Team Management

Priority Support