Deploy to Digital Ocean Spaces

Simply Static allows exporting your static website to Digital Ocean Spaces. This can be a good choice if you are already a user of the Digital Ocean platform, and you might also manage your domains there.

What is Digital Ocean?

Digital Ocean is an all-in-one deployment and virtual server platform similar to Amazon AWS. You can do almost everything with it: host databases, run a Kubernetes cluster, deploy static sites, and so much more.

Setup a Space

Before we go into the required configurations within Simply Static, we need to set some things up within Digital Ocean first. To deploy a static site with Digital Ocean, you need “Spaces”, these are comparable to Amazon AWS S3 buckets – a flat (and cheap) online storage to host files, but without connection to a database and without the ability to run PHP (or any other server-side code).

Create space

Log in to your Digital Ocean dashboard and navigate to “Spaces” and click on “Create Space”:

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We have to decide a couple of things within the setup:


Choose the data center closest to you. Digital Ocean will automatically recommend some regions, but you can always choose one based on your preferences.


This is optional but highly recommend for static sites. By enabling the CDN option, DO will automatically handle caching and delivery of your static website assets without additional configurations.

Bucket Name

This one is important as we need it to connect Simply Static to Digital Ocean later.
Use a recognizable name. You can change the domain later.

Click on “Create Space”, and you should see an empty directory with the configured bucket name:

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File Listing

Click on “Settings” and “Edit File Listing”:

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In the following dialogue, we set “File Listing” to “Enable File Listing”. Without that setting, your static site will only be visible with authenticated requests done via the Digital Ocean API and not publicly via an URL.

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That’s it for the bucket configuration. Now we move on to creating an API key for the connection.

Create API Key

In your Digital Ocean dashboard, go to “API, ” switch the tab to “Spaces Keys” and create a new key.

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Once you have clicked on the blue checkmark next to the name, you can copy your API key and API secret.

Connect with Simply Static

Now we have everything in place to connect Digital Ocean and Simply Static. Go back to your WordPress installation and go to Simply Static -> Settings -> Deployment and choose “Digital Ocean Spaces” as a deployment option.

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Fill out all the details for your bucket (API key, API secret, bucket name, and the region) and click “Save Settings”.

Export to Digital Ocean Spaces

Now that everything is configured click “Generate Static Files” and switch to “Activity Log” to watch the export progress. Once done, your static files should be uploaded to your space, and the result should look similar to this:

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